scag-setup – Setup Gramine Scaffolding application
This command is used to configure the Scaffolding project. As an output, the configuration file is generated. The file contains all necessary information required to build the project. Each framework can define additional specific for it options.
- --bootstrap
Initialize an empty directory with an example application from the given framework.
- --framework <framework>
The framework used by the scaffolded application. Currently, we support following frameworks:
Plain Python
Java JAR files
Java with Gradle build system
- --project_dir <dir>
The directory of the application to scaffold.
- --passthrough_env
Pass specific environment variables from the Docker environment into the Gramine process. The user can use this option multiple times to add many environment variables.
Python Options
- --application
Python application main script.
Node.js Options
- --application
Node.js application main script.
- --application
Express.js application main script.
- --application
Koa.js application main script.
Java JAR files Options
- --application
Java JAR application.
Java Gradle build system
- --application
Specify the JAR file to be executed. This file should be one of the JARs generated by the Gradle build, typically located in the build/libs/ directory.
.NET Options
- --build_config
Build configuration (Debug/Release)
- --project_file
Application’s main project file
Example of the generated file (from
scag-quickstart --framework=python_plain
framework = "python_plain"
sgx = true
passthrough_env = []
application = ""
Exit status
On success, exits with 0. On failures, exits non-zero and prints diagnostics to stderr.