Deployment guidelines

Re-signing SIGSTRUCT

If you need to sign the enclave with another (“production”) key after the application was scaffolded, you can extract SIGSTRUCT from the SCAG-built container. SIGSTRUCT is located in /app/app.sig inside the container.

Ops people would then:

  1. Extract the SIGSTRUCT from the container:

    container=$(docker create "$image")
    docker cp "$container":/app/app.sig ./app.sig
    docker rm "$container"
  2. Sign the SIGSTRUCT again. This step depends on the exact tooling and is not described in this document.

  3. Replace the file in the docker image, e.g. by building a container inheriting from original container, just ADDing newly signed SIGSTRUCT. Note that the path inside the container MUST be /app/app.sig again.

    FROM ${FROM}
    COPY app.sig /app
    docker build --build-arg=FROM="$image" .

    This newly built container may now be deployed as usual.